so it's also kind of a rational step simply because for instance indicate of prada foundation, we had to kind of huge, really enormous that became a key part of the project but that from scratch we could never have done. in the case of the garage there is a kind of generosity of soviet architecture that had to serve the people. so basically that generosity, we were able to capture and to give a new piece of life. >> rose: we'll talk about both of those buildings later. but-- both of those museums. but were you surprised as you delved into it, at soviet architecture. >> the reason i became an architect, i came to moss cow for the first time in-- in 67y. i was unaware of the kind of history of soviet architecture. i was one aware of the avant-garde of the 20see and i became aware of kind of a really radical interpretation of architecture, constructivism that was related to milavich, that really reinvented daily life from scratch. and so therefore from the beginning i was less interested in form but in the role of architecture in helping to define daily life, that really triggered me. an