about the funding pramework, we created a project. within that target, you'll see on your page 15, first two projects, actually a little bit lower on scoring. the third project is actually gene parker elementary in district three. this project is part of the chinatown broadway phase four project. we can describe it a little more detail on the next slide. i want you to know it's within that project. all three of those projects combined and about $2.7 million. just a little bit above but enough to keep everyone in at this point. the four project that's we have what we call upper tier, you can see the upper tier portion of the project, masonic, second street, all projects that have a high level project and gone through corridor specific projects are in high growth areas. these are project that's are meeting all of our benchmarks. just a few details to point out for the columbus avenue -- for the broadway project. this is phase four along broadway. the plan cost is completed in june. this project goes from columbus all the way to the broa