says if you train a child in the way they should go when they are old we should not depart from that prange. so the community has departed some of that responsibility. but the government is not addressing its responsibility also. justice must exist for everybody because the system is full of blacks, browns and poor whites. brown, and the poor whites. . so when the president says there will be preschool opportunities for all children, i think that's a good agenda for black children. when he says that i'm going to make sure that all children in k-12 has an opportunity for rigorous academic that he's going to enforce the -- he's going to have an enforcement arm in his department of education and make sure that advanced placement courses are as accessible to students in the central city as they are to students in the suburbs, i think that's an agenda. when he says i'm going to increase the pell grant which helps pay for low-income students to go to school and he raises that's going to have a disproportionately positive impact on african-american and hispanics, i think that's a black agenda. i d