bunch of ideas released on us but that our collective social immune system is being deliberately set prast to prevent those ideas to be countered out in the open and here i can map imagine council culture shaming and all the other mechanisms of suppressing the discourse am i reading your correctly you're exactly right that the 1st things that dictators do when they want to suppress any resistance to sow their positions they don't get rid of the guys with the big muscles they get rid of the guys with the big brains and the short of time strife this is why satire is something that scares a lot of dictators because satire has a way of cutting through ideological nonsense and so once you know and i keep mentioning universities but i should i should point that the bad ideas that start in universities then proliferate everywhere in society writes when leisurely for it everywhere in society i think there are now being politically instrumentalist and there you mansion that it's primarily a western affliction but i think the west is very deliberate in insisting that you know everybody else in the w