this host: from twitter, prater wants to know what will happen when starts falling on the charred land, can you explain that? guest: this is actually a real problem. a lot of the fires, you obviously see the devastation today, but now you have removed the vegetation from the land and if you get a heavy rain, heavy snow and then snow the water pringtime, runs off immediately, there is ot vegetation to slow it down and to take up some of the water. so this creates real challenges. forest service, cal fire, which is the california fire resources national conservation service, other agencies gallon out in the wake even when the ground is still warm to begin to treat the acres so we get less and fewer threats of mud slides and those types of things. post-fire, when the flames it's charred landscape, we're not done yet, a lot more done. to be those things are expensive, they require people, that is why i budget ing back to the situation. that is why we need to solve the budget issue. know it is supplemental bill, but congress is working through $36 billion in the might reachweek, it final vo