emergency services today and that he's being kept up to date we also heard from home secretary preacha patel she says that she's also thanking officers in her thoughts and trust with the victims to plus of course jeremy called when he too tweeted out saying similar sentiments but still evacuation is ongoing the workspace is directly behind me they are being continuously evacuated in the last 2 hours one by one throughout from the bridge up until this road where i'm on now but the sense really here today is quite a lot of confusion panic and worrying. while we know the. this is not the 1st time this has happened in london we have seen similar events in fact about sport haven't we. absolutely this is a very emotive location in the heart of london london bridge of course familiar scenes just 2 years ago 27 june there was a very similar incident that was terrorism related and of course at this point we don't know whether this one is terrorism related but at the time we understand that a car was cowering down london's bridge and we saw in various fatal it is there a man then got out of his car an