. -- precident. it's not messy. it's the spanish laske. -- lake. they don't understand that.hey are shocked when i told him the truth of how a business and how a society works. sharing it with madrid makes them both strong. these talks are a key factor for any successful business. we are in the spanish market. we are part of it. the rest of spain is by far our most important client. >> you say catalonia being part of spain is win-win economically for both sides. how do you as a businessman shield yourself from the current crisis, not knowing what the result will be? >> right now what we feel is uncertainty and instability. certainly this will bring a massive exit is of companies. we have already seen that -- in massive exodus of companies. before september 6 there was a lot of instability. we saw 2000 companies in five years leaving. the investment increased little because the spanish economy was growing at a rate of more than 3.5%. but barcelona is growing 2% and madrid is gorwing 11%. there is uncertainty that many investors do not trust. this was before september 6 which w