you see the evolution of his thinking part he was going to go to something else right after that preeti said go make these edits and send me back a draft. i will take a look at it tonight. so i sent it back at the end of the night around 8:00 p.m. i went to get his edits, what was so interesting about that day was to watch the evolution of his thinking. even others so much else going on, he was able in those two minutes he had to really focus in on the speech and give it the thinking he needed. not that it wasn't influenced by what was going on throughout the day. they have to continually give something its focus and tend to it even though this all this other stuff going on. >> that is one of the value added to speech writing brings to a president. they have got so much going on , if him something to react to pregiven >> to look at. president bush was not really a writer but he was a real serious editor. very, very confident editor. he had a very logical mind. haven't ate page speech draft, and recite the light of the speech i am not capable of that but he could internalize it preeti ca