their terms of reference and the trust fund is the third, the lastly trust fund is designed to prefund the city'sigation to pay for restored health care and like contributions from employees it was adopted in 2008, and requires the employees hired after january 10, 2009, to contribute 9 percent to the fund and in prop c in 2011 amended to the employees hired before january of 2009 will have to make contributions in 2016 and their matching employer contributions as well the retired health care i've pasted it right there not going to read it but prior to the standards and i would envision this process the health services duplicities a standard at this time we'll talk about the differences between the different language so the next slide is in a sense the one i don't want to say give us legal advice the answer to the question should the board formally adopt the policy as the health services or in the alternative consider other options i think we can answer this question without having to pick a specific standard regardless of what standard this board picks i think our advise is going to be the same