no one has moved up to assent prentis. he got one regimen ordered to join him at pittsburgh landing, scheduled to join him, 15th michigan infantry, but they arrive without ammunition. they go into battle armed only with the bayonet. no powder and no musket balls in any cartridge to put in those guns. amazing. they stand a few minutes before the colonel oliver is getting them off the front and out of here to go find some ammunition. so that shows you also the nature of preparedness that these green armies find themselves. that the unit that's ordered out to reinforce, has in ammunition, and is unable to obtain any until it gets here and of course can't find any here and has to back out. so just a striking example of the unpreparedness. but that's the only support prentis received. so he is overwhelmed. clear it see it is mass leading less sidable force. both flanks have turned. command against the break down. colonel peabody's killed, his fifth and final wound trying to rally his troops and everything falls apart. and at 9: