that will be out on mango publishing available for preordon amazon i'm excite body that. president collins. are there other new business or announcements? commissioner ferras. i have one more >> happy now year to everybody. deborah, i'm glad you are back and tira. i'm happy to work with everybody here. staff and commissioners it is an honor to work with you guys, amadzing bunch of people. i wanted to check about how you were checking out all the art and the commission's collection. and this may be is a question for you guys -- and edward, i have gone down the rabbit whoeflt website a few times. remind me, is there like a -- site map of where all the pieces are that can -- someone can -- travel and check out the art? >> thank you, commissioner. director of communications. we have a map of the monument and memorials. there is -- version of a map developed that we can bring back up. the full collection of the 4,000 piece. we will take that in consideration and try to put something out well and share a visual guide for folks moving forward to highlight unknown pieces in the c