to meet expected needs and material resources have been prepossession and 23 warehouses across the country for easy access and mobilization, we have completed a detailed assessment of our communications equipment inventory and verify their readiness of our nation wide disaster fleet. the national shelter system is ready and now contains shelter locations in capacity information for over 55,000 buildings that could be potentially used as shelters across this country. the national shelter system is used for both planning and operational decisions and records all shelter openings and closings and overnight populations on a daily basis. we have made the national shelter system available to fema and the states free of charge. and it's also currently being used by 12 other national non-government partners. it is also a critical function that requires advance planning. while we focus on the use of local volunteers and when possible also have a bank chondria people trained and available to leave their communities to go to disasters, the number is now 90,000 which is a substantial increase from the