really important for us to work us in an american colleagues and russian colleagues pres dorsey lines don't look at the border and say oh stuff as america over there and russia over here they swim across the border upright frequently so we have to work in cooperation to better understand the nature that goes across the borders is doing whether they're doing well or not what we need to do to manage them. in early spring see loans come to the beach will match kill island over the oyster males of the first two or roy they have to fight for a place on the beach. this ring silence means the sea lion has laid claim to the area. where the female have been working with such animals for more than twenty years but i'm still in they said their behavior sea lions on shore behave very differently at sea. but then you should do what we think when they're on the beach they're agile like birds but at sea they get very inquisitive they approach tigers in stick with them for sometime but they frighten such an especially if they're wearing shiny objects by sea lions attack humans no that has never happe