you know, my compadre in so many things is the master chief presidentty officer of the navy be -- pettyofficer of the navy, mike stevens. he's doing the same thing at boot camp. so we did a pilot program where instead of this gigantic library of books, you know, training manuals, rating manuals, etc., we put it all on a tablet, okay? and we're finding that, you know, those young recruits are learning so much faster by virtue of doing that. not only because that's kind of the way they've come to absorb information, but also because they can carry that thing everywhere, right? and so you can't carry library of books to chow, but you can carry your tablet. and there you are kind of eating and read, and it's, you know, these folks are focused on doing the best job they can, and this tablet allows them to do that. so, you know, we've kind of decided we have a pincher strategy, hammer and anvil strategy here, where he's going to kind of populate our recruits and, you know, junior sailors with these tablets, i'm going to come in over the top, getting the top-down focus. and over time we'll get