the pressroom? yes, well, tonight they're having a symposium on rat management in there, so this is the closest i could get. but we could go in there if you want, because it sounds interesting. no, we'll stay here. are impeccable, as always. claudia... you're the only woman who's accepted me for the man i can't help being. would you do me the honor of becoming my wife by selecting one of these 2 rings? honey, they're both so beautiful. how do i choose? well, you could keep them both. are you sure? that's so against your nature. what can i say? i love you that much. oh, paulie. which one is fake? the one on the left. after lunch with paul and claudia, i had some time to think, and you know what i came up with? i think i have an idea. this. no. you can't--you can't say no. you--you already said yes. the yes is in. i think we both know we made this decision too quickly. that's the way i--i do things. i make gut decisions, and then i go with that. yesterday it took me 2 seconds to decide to refurbish al