preston brooks came into the senate chamber, did not want to offend the dignity of the senate, so he waited until he adjourned, and then he marched down the aisle and walked up to charles sumner, who was turned over his us signing his signature -- his desk signing his signature so he could mail the seeds from a few days earlier. as sumner was signing that, for its hurricane with a solid gold hammer, -- had a cane with a solid gold handle, brought it down on his head. others were shot, and sumner fell to the floor, bleeding profusely -- others were shocked, and sumner fell to the floor, bleeding profusely. he stayed away for a three years. his and the death became a tourist attraction. the senate region is empty desk -- his empty desk became a tourist attraction. the seven decided, we should not have to write this down. people do sought -- people should know this is not proper behavior. there was another incident in the senate chamber where two south carolina senators got into a verbal tussle, and it resulted in 21 punching the other in the mouth in this -- in one punching the other i