slavery had given this speech very critical of slavery, critical of slave holders, including of preston brooks his cousins, hence the caning and. of course, this was big news. how it not be. it spread rapidly by telegraph. you know, the newspapers at the time, they often wanted to emphasize, hey, this is breaking just like on cnn today in this case received by a magnetic telegraph just showing off the fact that, you know, you need to get the news here because this is the very latest and, of course, accounts of the caning you know, as you would expect, were very different in the north versus the south. in the south, you see a lot of examples of sumner. sumner deserving it, basically with speech full of abuse, full of the vilest and most appeals against the domestic institutions of, the south. it's kind of a code word for slavery back then. so most southerners, there are always exceptions, course, but most southerners are defend brooks blad sumner, whereas most northern, even they're not really abolitionist, they want to defend theiran and want to defend in some way charles sumner and blame pres