preston july 20 said that they're not transferring the f one. are we going to have maybe not, they've 16 might be at $22.00. retros owe something new. we're able to avoid no victory day. i would like to finish answering the question, add 2 of the french journalist victory day is going to be the happiest day for me and not only for me, but for every ukrainian. and now why to your question? a yom regarding armaments, we have not disclosed those cowboys. i should know that a scott manasseh, they're at the different type of fir. ah, even more types of native weapons, sir. and we didn't have her. and it's understandable because we're not a member of nato. and i think it's a great accomplishment that we started receiving at the 155 millimeter caliber of artillery high mars. so the sorts of armored vehicles, b, m, p, b, t, r's, tanks and what you and initially nobody even wanted to hear about the tanks. you were right, but then we found a moment, we've found a key and we did something with for was last autumn, we saw that we are capable to pay back our