boarding schools designed to kill the indian in them according to the systems found in fall the rich pretz indians or applies to change the name to a western one like home made to dress and style the head like whites indigenous americans are also fools to adopt christianity and all of the polls of western culture. thank you so much for speaking to us can you tell us what happened. take the engine out of the person they'd be a language out of out of like my father he grew up his whole life his hands for. the ant as a result he used a taco native language but he never white meat i consider myself a recovering catholic because you know the sexual abuse that i experienced the catholic church says the genocide is continuing his hopes the child rescue project to stop the full removal of indian children coming on could you tell us what is happening to the children and what we discovered is that not only were the children being taken again that level it was happening on every single one of the reservations and in virtually every one of the major cities the international convention against genocide actuall