pay doctors for prevengsz, pay primary care so we get more doctor going back into primary care. host: connecticut for senator tom coburn on our independent line. guest: good morning. caller: yes, good morning. thanks for taking my call. i just wanted to make a comment. i've been unemployed now, been over a year, and went through, you know, all of my employer's $700-plus cobra plan for medical which has been exhausted now. i have been collecting unemployment with please i can't. i do not -- want to seem ungrateful but i have been informed that i am receiving too much money collecting in order to receive medical from the state, medicaid plan. because i do have medical conditions that, you know, that i'm desperately in need of medical attention. i don't even know where to turn. you know, it's either collect and pay most of my bills, you know, just general housing, utilities, and put food on the table or maybe cut that in half and get the medicaid plan until i find a job. then i wouldn't be able to pay all the other utilities. necessities, yeah. so, you know. it's unbelievable to th