. >> and in the year since benghazi, this is prima facia that you would need to act on these, and have those things occurred, even in the absence of a full report? >> well, secretary of state, hillary clinton, did testify before the senate, saying that they're implementing changes, the members of the senate talked about providing resources and the importance to do this. well, we've heard that before. and we have to see what happens now. >> jerry, if i could, the report says that they need to align security management with the realities of the post-9/11 environment. it has not matched the resources. >> reporter: thank you very much for being here. and ahead on america tonight. we turn to syria, and the latest on the showdown in the senate. we'll be right back in a moment. >> the white house took its flooding the scone strategy to capitol hill today, with president obama's most credible military men making the case on the strike against syria. a passionate and convincing push for support. even amid growing signals of resistance coming from the voters at home. as kerry and his team emerge