together, this primordial ooze, out of which you could feel it. >> ah, life comes. >> you could just stick your hands in this warm, hot mud, and we draw it out and we shape it, and whatever mythological or ritual or symbolic ways we want to go - as the hero, as the heroine - it's the stuff, the primordial ooze out of which we create identity, self-esteem, and relationship empowerment, and it's ours to play with, it's ours to do with, it's ours. >> ah. and that is the form that then contains the great story - all stories of creation - and all of us creators. you guys did a wonderful thing. >> that was fun! >> thank you! >> that was fun. beautiful! >> we've all got to hold hands just a minute! >> yeah. beautiful. >> just that sense of connection. thank you! >> thank you. >> thank you! >> thank you. >> thank you. >> great. >> thank you very much. >> that's the start of what we would do at diana's grove. we would bring it into the consciousness, honor it, and then create. >> yes. >> that's it. okay. >> and into that shell, a ritual lives. but that is the shell that holds it. and you are