press is writing about this announcement. in nominating alan krueger, president obama gained an economist with expertise on employment. he is a former treasury department official and princeton university economist. more from the white house would today's briefing would press secretary. he was joined by fema administrator on response to hurricane i've been. -- irene. >> welcome to the white house, everyone. this is your daily briefing. for those of you who were at martha's vineyard last week or on vacation, welcome back. that includes me. for those of you who were here, my condolences. before i get started on taking questions on other issues, i have with me today the administrator of the federal emergency management agency, craig fugate. as you know, mr. fugate has extensive emergency management experience. he was the former director of the florida division of emergency management, appointed to that position in 2001 by then governor jeb bush, and then later reappointed by governor bush's successor, charlie crist. he held that position until president obama asked him to lead fema. he is here to take your questions and give you an update on hurricane irene and its consequences. fugatedon