gruppenführer eric von bach in pursuance of a special order from himler, to destroy villages in the pripyat marshes resistance will be shown, and to shoot all those suspected of supporting the partisans. as evidenced by the materials the prosecutor general's office of the republic about previously unknown facts, it was a mass extermination of the population, although the method did not quite live up to the hopes of the nazis. from the report of the 2nd ss cavalry regiment. this method did not give the expected result, since the swamp was not deep enough for them to drown. during the operation , the pripyat swamps in july-august 1941 burned the village. khatynichi, gantsevichesky district, 73 people were killed. turov district, zapiochya - 300 people, pogost - 69, rycha - 26. storazhovtsy - 30 people, chernichi - 40. kosovo district, velikaya gad, person, holy will 436. parichi district, ostashkovishte, 120 people, slaven 72. pruzhansky. borki, vybrody, glushets, zalesye, kletnaya, radec, 13 people, chatel, 38 people. on one day alone , more than 3.00 civilians were killed in pinsk . in the first mo