know, on october 23rd, last year, we had a tragic accident in front of city hall, where miss priscilla moretta was hit by a motorized tour vehicle and died from her injuries and have seen 17 other pedestrian fatalities taking place in 2014. the total is a reduction from the year before, which was 21. so we're moving in the right direction and this ordinance that i would like to introduce is just going to be another tool to make sure that we get to our vision for 2024. as you know, distracted drivers provide danger. according to the california traffic safety survey, in 2013, 36% of californians surveyed thought that talking while driving posed the biggest safety problems on california roadways. and nearly 70% of california drivers surveyed said that they had been hit or nearly hit by a driver who was talking or texting. a tour bus driver, who is narrating a tour while driving is likely to be speaking to the bus passengers en masse during the vast majority of time during the tour. further, the job of driving a tour bus is an important and is more complex than driving an automobile and thus the s