. >> the prison i looked at was the men's prisoni .a lot of the scenes in your book are about facility housing male prisoners. are they the only ones affected? >> women prisoners actually have much higher rates of mental illness that male prisoners. the numbers get a little bit skewed because when we look at the overall population of jails and prisons there are so many more men women, but among the female prisoners you see much much higher rates of mental illness s and in some cases you are seeing the mental illness being made worse by the in a lot of so cases the women are the sole caretakers of the children and when they get incarcerated they have left these children behind. i've met several people in oklahoma who had either already lost custody of their kids a or were terrified they were going to lose custody of their kids, so regardless of everything else that was going on they had tremendous problems of anxiety and depression because they were worried about their family. >> it's actually higher percentage of women prisoners at thi