work, i stand here dato say it is te for washingtoto foret - to get aut the busesof expandin t privateector, not expaing government, and promoting sustainable eation. i ow georgians are tired of what's going on here washingn, i know miest icans are too,ith the bailouts, bouts, and stimulu the saker pempore: the gentleman's time has e. are the further oneinute ests? for what purpose ds the recognition? utah seek mr. bishop: mr. speak, i k unanimouconsent that today, foowlegislativ, t following membersay be permitted to address the house and revise a extend thei matial, mr. boozman for today, mr. pofor today, mr. flakeor today, mrduncan for today,r. bishop for today, mr. broun for today. the speaker o tempore: the eaker pro mpore: without obction. for what purposdoes the gentlewoman from wisconsin seek recogon? ms. baldwin: i ask unanimous nsent th today following legislative businesand any ecial orders heretore entered into, the foowg members may be rmitted to address the royce for five miutes, revise and extend tir remksnd include therextraneoumaterial. ms. wlsey for five nutes. ms. wal ba