they all have had direct relationship there prof krause going right back to david cameron. who deregulated fire safety and live within walking distance of grand felt our. it remains to be seen what the outcome of the public inquiry and police investigation will be. but one thing we know for sure we will never trust the state and his plight is sick to mates to keep us safe again. since to the community continue to come to give a not just to pick up where the council fails but to china increase our power so that nothing like this ever happens again. that was a tragedy what's happened has happened to that and you said it was looking for its woken up it woke me up what a lot of people up and i believe if we continue to stand and make the noise and not shut people out we can change as can any way and. we know from observing what's going on that there is a more contemplated mood there is a more thoughtful mood amongst young people there isn't as much madness guy in the streets that was going on as before people off thinking about all. this is it people saying we are being pitted