prof. keller: now at this time i'm going to turn it over to jen who will tell us a little bit more about emery upton and reforms that he accomplished in the post-war era. so, jen, take it away. prof. keller: the questions that our panelists tackling today are lessons learned and my comments will mostly be about the u.s. army and specifically questions of tactics and the way that the u.s. army dealt with what they learned on a civil war battlefield moving forward after 1865. so i want to start with a couple themes before we drum down to questions of tactics, so just give us a few points of departure for our overview. and make a couple of points about the status of the united states army. and thinking of the way of how the army grappled with lessons and 1865.tween 1861 after 1865, what is the status of the united states army, what are their past, what are they doing. the photograph should be familiar to some of you. that, of course, is george custer, right, and the way that the u.s. army is utilized