prof. krugman: greece had structural problems but it did not have 23% unemployment. greece is not a successful economy, but it was not the disaster it is now. greece desperately needs some relief. debt, itsome relief on needs -- if it had its own currency, you would say in a heartbeat, it needs devaluation. if you think about argentina, argentina has match the structural -- has massive structural problems. but when argentina abandoned its peg to dollar, the economy began to recover and grew 63% over the last two years. euro has turned into a roach motel -- once you go in, you cannot come out, it's a disastrous thing. argentina, big commodity exporter and at the same time china was booming. with greece, what's the value of devaluation given that they don't have a manufacturing sector to her and you don't associate greece with exports? prof. krugman: first of all, greece has what it always has had -- sun and sand. the -- a very favored tourist destination for large numbers of peru -- of beer swilling