prof. lindsey: it is a nice play on words. we are looking at women who challenged the norm at the time. whether that was gender norms or what women should be doing or activism they should be involved in, what role they should have in the public sphere. so we thought of them as behaving badly or outside of the boundaries. i looked at a woman named lucy diggs slowe and how she really challenged howard to become a more progressive space, a place more inclusive for the women attending there, and preparing women for careers outside of the home. in the second panel, we looked at the president of bennett college. we looked at the sit in's. how she was involved. in the last, a person who married an inmate on death row as a political act. she felt he was innocent and a lot of people wanted to create a political cachet around this political call and relationship. there was a lot of anti-poverty work and anti-prison work, interesting figures across the 20th century that went beyond what was expected of them i