prof. paxtonou very much. amy: is donald trump a fascist? prof. paxton: i think he shows a rather alarming willingness to use fascist teams and fascist styles. the response this gets is a lot. amy: what is fascism? prof. paxton: it is a mass nationalist movement intended to restore a country that has been damaged or is in decline by expansion, by violent attacks on enemies, internal, as well as external, and measures of authority, the replacement of democracy by authoritarian dictatorship. amy: explain what happened in nazi germany and with adolf hitler. he did not start by killing 6 million jews. there was a buildup. talk about how it started. in italy and you particularly looked at france. prof. paxton: it ok hitle13 year minorrted in munich as a fringe movement of disgruntled war veterans. it percolated along. amy: that was from world war i. prof. paxton: this was in the early 1920's. in 1929,the depression 1930. is thise two things huge economic crisis of millions of unemployed and there was a