prof. silber: we started talking about the beginning of the movement of women's right. black women, as i was saying, were usually on the margins, i would say, of the women's writes movements. we talked about search on her truth -- sojourner truth, and harriet jacobs also had contact with a number of women's writes activists -- rights activists, but she was also very critical of white suffragists and often made the point that they did not fully recognize the way that race had created, you know, kind of a distinct set of obstacles for black women. i think somebody in our debate made exactly that point in our discussion. so we are to talk about that in a couple of weeks. now i'm good to talk about jacob herself, the narrative she composed, and i think as you know, she wrote about narrative under the name of linda brent. she also changed the name of a number of people in that account. she was born it not as linda brent but as jacob in 1814, her parents were slaves, but i also think you get a sense of