prof. waugh: he moved quickly when the maine exploded. prof varon: are there east-west differences? prof glymph: clearly. we tend to forget californians fought in the war. we tend to forget in 1862 joseph was getting ready to issue you a preliminary proclamation. he was signing and ordered. there was a war going on with native americans. the east was the tremendous effort on the part of the confederacy to line up native americans, to join the confederacy. the civilized tribes to join in part. it is getting more and more attention, i think. prof. waugh: hundreds of thousands of x union veterans for example those who built the first transcontinental railroad from omaha to sacramento, they stayed -- who wouldn't want to stay in california? but also colorado. across the street from ucla is the veterans cemetery that started as a soldier's home in 1889. they estimate 11,000 union veterans are buried there. they are buried all throughout the cemetery. prof. gallagher: >> there is a clear divide about h