from this number and you received information to identify annually, how to evaluate the students professioncy and 64 percent said yes, and that also indicates that lots of what you are doing for the good is happening. and people are talking about it and understanding that is happening and so kutos for us for making movement and clearly there is definitely areas where we could use the improvement but again, you come forward with this to tell us and as a matter of fact let us tell us and tell it to the listening audience and most people watching and so i am grateful for your service and volunteering and please stay engaged because we need to hear from you and the families need to know what you know and i know that you go to the schools and dissiminate that information. thank you for supporting the members. >> thanks, fewer. >> thank you norton. and thank you for these recommendations which actually it is sort of a little upsetting to see that it is a recommendation that we are actually not doing it and probably we could get a report on this about supplemental report for the students after and w