program, and that was impressive, that we had two c.o.p. holders, and it's out of the nine inclusionary units within the building. also, 51, 52 innes. it's for sale, and we don't want to see fore sale units very often. if you have any other questions, we're available to respond. we now have an extensive marketing outreach program, and you can see that in the staff materials that's provided. so if you have any additional questions, we can answer them, as well. >> great, thank you. commissioner rosales? >> yes, thank you, vice chair bustos. i do have a couple questions for pam. this was excited, i have to say. you know, when i'm reading this, i'm very touched by the fact that our efforts are incrementally making a different in people's life. i want to commend everybody, not only the staff but the city in achieving these results. the part that interested me, as i mentioned earlier, was in the western addition. as we know, that's a very desirable, if you will, location and district for c.o.p. holders for obvious reasons, to have folks come and buy back homes -- buy back their homes, right? i would love to be able to see more -- more stories like this. and so then, when i moved ove