. >> reporter: others see the proindependence d.p.p. party and its supporters as a risk, antagonising beijing, jeopardizing the mainland and risking conflict. people may be vocal, but don't necessarily reflect the majority. most know whoever wins the election will have to work with beijing. a couple of kilometres from the protests most were pragmatic. >> translation: if the leaders communicate it's a way to show we are in peace. >> translation: it's a good idea and well timed. i have faith in the president. >> reporter: the d.p.p., too, knowing its candidate is likely to win january's election, wants lines of communication kept open. >> translation: the d.p.p. has to be pragmatic. it could take over power. relations will be important under its rule, they have to show people they are capable of engaging with china >>> taiwan's people struggle to see their future. the election may burn some of them off. >>> on the second anniversary of a powerful storm to hit the philippines, politicians admit there are delays in rehousing survivors. the