, what songs we sing, you know, these ones, grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers, old women, prokhora volumes? and i had to retell to him all the diseases that i had suffered over 70 years , in the sixth hour of retelling, he began to cry and begged me to shut up, but i didn’t, i didn’t shut up , no, i told him everything, everything about how my nose was treated with electrophoresis, instead 5 in the distance 220, my whole nose was already charred. i gave birth in a rural medical center, and i was delivered by drunk veterinarian, he wrote to me on the card, and the piglet was weak, only one piglet, the sow swore obscenities during the feeding, once after the operation they took me to the morgue by mistake, imagine, i woke up , i come to this post, i say, guys, you that in general the shores have been lost, but in your ward there is such a cold, everyone is blue , the local doctor cried, in the column the patient’s name was written by the terminator, in the age column he wrote koschey the immortal, baba nadya will burn out, we have a phoenix bird, which is reborn every year. from the