and he calls it a process of prola therienization. so at the moment when again, tens of thousands of african-americans are beginning the process of turning into an industrial working class is the moment when those jobs are being replaced by machines. and you remember that fantastic line from segrue's article you read where the person says to the union boss, it's going to be really hard to organize all of these machines. it's going to be really hard to create a union with all of these machines that do all of the work. so the ability of capital to move, and the movement ofsuburbe south, automation, segrue also points to the tax policies, the structures of taxation. that draw capital and work out of cities and relocate them elsewhere, primarily in the sun belt. and he points to the politics, the shifting political power in congress, which is moving military installations and manufacturing installations outside of northeastern and midwestern cities where labor is cheaper and taxes are ow proces together to make it so these migrants, these