she is the aunt of the minotaur in media, daughter of the sun god helios, she has a connection to prometheusin and all of these other divinities... sort of bringing everybody in. like some huge cast of a broadway musical. they are all there. if you have the opportunity to write a minotaur birth scene, i feel you have to take it. absolutely. it's interesting, this struggle between somebody who is in touch with the world of the gods in the ancient conception and the world of humanity. it's the kind of thing that wagner struggled with in the ring. how do you make this connection work? it is a big thing to take on. that really comes right out of homer, that he has this beautiful detail about her, that she is the dread goddess who speaks like a human. and so i think naturally she is that a bridge. she has a sort of a foot in each world. and that is the curse, of course? yes, yes. i mean, if you are just one thing or the other you get on with it, but if you are stuck transporting yourself between these two worlds of the human understanding and the kind of eternal life of the gods, how do you handl