where is his specific medicaid reform proposaproposal?curity reform proposal? the answer is he does not have one. he's ducking and bobbing and weaving, and he's not leading and that's why he needs to be removed from office. >> apparently with speaker boehner he has talked -- >> well, if you are the leader of the free world please come to the microphone and quit hiding in the basement with your proposals and come up and address the american people? is he chicken? >> is he? let me have you answer that question. >> i love paul ryan, but we should not have to have a congressman from wisconsin leading the debate on the nation's financial challenge in one of the most historically moments in the country's history. the president should be standing out courageously and leading on these issues specifically, and you cannot find him -- >> he has agreed to do that -- >> when? >> i want to move on from this, but he has agreed to do that in private, but he says the problem is the republicans won't -- >> if we can do that in private, i can have a beer wi