that was a somewhat private meeting, but the news organization propublica got a copy of the video. at the video, the presentation she made there is much more even-handed than she makes it sound like. and on top of that, the ideas she proposed, none of them were adopted. she proposed some bills in congress, she had very few co-sponsors, so she didn't get very far with her proposals, either. >> let's do one last one, and this is hillary clinton talking about sanders and his gun control voting record. >> i don't think it was particularly progressive to vote against the brady bill five times. i don't think it was progressive to vote against gun makers and immunity. >> so big question, did he vote those ways? >> yes, he did. he's from a rural state, vermont, where lots of people like to have guns, and particularly early in his career, he voted against the brady bill, he voted, as clinton said, for giving immunity to gun makers. lately he has come out for universal background checks, he now says he would support a revamp of this bill. at the time he's still going. >> thank you for talkin