as the philosopher protagorus stated, "man is the measure of all things." the temple was dedicated to athena, goddess of wisdom and domestic crafts. a sculpture of athena, now lost, once appeared on the pediments with other gods and goddesses. on all four sides of the temple were scenes of gods, men and beasts, oncexq inside stood p ivory stae aen. honored the goddess on her birthday. the citizens of athens wended their way up the acropolis to present her with a new robe to clothe her statue. no contemporary events were represented on greek temples, but the rule was broken at the parthenon. the panathenaic procession appeared on the relief that ran along its porch: a cavalcade of mounted yohs, water carriers, offering bearers, ordinary citizens,xisting in a quasi-divine world that rivaled that of the gods. the parthenon was completed about 432 b.c. a year later, the peloponnesian war broke out, halting the acropolis building program. grk foht gre as henswas pitteda r almo 30 ars. sculptors who had worked on e parthenon now carved gravestones to be set up in