in by increasing debt for working people and increasing wealth for those who own to the for the proteas c.e.o.'s and big corporations and are you suggesting that that is that was the essence of what marx was prophesied in. he certainly predicted exactly exactly that sort of development and so it's quite a strong confirmation and it's interesting people like hyman minsky who were influenced by martz were the ones who predicted the speculation and predicted also the eventual collapse also the indian marxist economists private part nyc who's just been speaking at columbia university last night here in new york city he was analyzing this realisation crisis which here in the united states also takes the form of the dampening of demand the underpayment of workers and also of considerable threats for example to their pensions and that really is one of the things i was focusing on in my book on a joke i was sharing about how actually the wall street and the private commercial suppliers of pension funds have actually let down the people whom they were meant to be helping and who they were meant to be