replicating organisms but self replication in turn presupposes the existence of information rich dna and protns, the information in dna in the process of self replicion. ere is a problem for scientists to say we want to rescue the origin of life, chemical evolution from the improbability by bringing in natural selection because natural selection is relevant once y have selfeplicating organisms which in turn implies that you already have dna and protein, we are trying to explain the origin of the informatn of the and a protein so illustrating this with my students, like the guy who is walking home from work, hmust be a philosopher of science or something, he fal in a big hole and can't get out but he says no problem, all i need is a ladder, he walks home and gets the ladder, walks back, jumps in and climbs out. . begginthe question of ere you get the ladder, where you get the information rich dna protein th makes of replication and natural selection possible. one of the leading origin of life biologist's says series of pre biotic natural selection have a problem, they need information which impl