proudcondly, enormously and reassured by the actions of the john f. kennedy library in 2001 when they gave him the profiles encouraging word, -- profiles in courage award specifically for this act. there was huge symbolism to that gesture. >> do you think that testimony put the country on the road to healing? >> i think it did. that raw do not heal overnight. there will always be some people that object to the pardon on any number of grounds and don't believe it came about as innocently as ford said. >> there must of been frustration on the judiciary committee itself. they were making their way towards impeachment. >> you will see that. particularly dogged in her questioning and frustrated. one of the important things as you watch this testimony is that the committee operates under the clock. everyone gets five minutes, which is not enough to probe this in any great detail. there is a sense of frustration just beneath the surface. >> richard norton smith, presidential historian, as always, thank you for being with us on american history tv. >> my plea