prrp mr. pacheco, do you need help with that motion or have you got it? >> so i believe the motion is from the president to grant this appeal on condition that the project sponsor shall provide a mock up of the skylight replacements and shall provide additional information on the skylight replacements as determined by staff. >> it's skylight and roof. >> skylight and roof. >> both instances. >> you mean grant the appeal, correct? victor, you mean grant the appeal. >> yes. what did i say? >> i think you said uphold the motion or something. >> it's both, grant the appeal and uphold the motion. to grant the appeal, uphold the motion on condition the project sponsor shall provide a mock up of the skylight and roof replacement and we're amending that language, and shall provide additional information on the skylight roof replacement as determined by staff. what was the code section? >> 1006.63. >> on the basis of planning code section 1006.63. is that it? >> thank you. >> on that motion from the president, vice president fung. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye.