.& prrsperoos, hen ww also haae to uild a couutty aad&- a sociittythat is ever more3&--úú> epp&- ú> nressdent ooaam'' vision was grrwingginnterrm f&- prospprity ann also grooing in our abblity to bb&- innlusive and expansive inn33 -úúheelarge idea oo ouu hooeeww reprrseet. ggoernorrrrmney reppesented úaay aae already beennhhre. -úhis social visson waa aavery it was almoos aa if he waa -úsayyng thattwe can nolonggrr3 úfford tt expand opportunity by making college mmrr3 aafordable. >> these ae giftt& aaparently. >> righh, thhse re iftssútheeeeare gifts we can no3 conversationnww had itt& people especiaaly ttose wwo& -úweee not innlineedto vote úor the preeident'ss3& reelecttio, wws to ask hem yoo hinkkwouud eally bb úood for our coontrry3 úow muuh llss education&úchildren?3& how many ewer college degrees will make us mmre ann verr few peoole in their hearts wheetee they'rre3 democrats or republicans or inndpendentt wwnt t aise&- their ccildren to live inn úcuutrr with lees. >> rightt&- >> so thii so-called& got the pressdent reellcted thii timm. asiannamericans 733,& frican-americaa 933