and if he does not please to you, well, he has prudenza. you old devil. you old witch you, madame! no! please! calm yourself. calm yourself. what are you... and sit down here just for a minute. please, take that woman out of my sight. it is impossible for my mother to remain here. oh, they can't be here together. that's why when we first came in, that woman wasn't with us. if they're around at the same time the whole thing will inevitably be given away in advance. it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter a bit. this is only our first run through just to give us a rough idea how it goes, everything will come in useful. i'll sort out all the bits and pieces later even if it is all jumbled up. i'll make something of it. now, please be calm and sit down here nice and quietly. - go on, madame. - no, no, thank you. i do nothing more with your mother present. oh, come on. showing the old senor who wants to amuse himself with me. yes, the scene has got to be played. so let's get on with it. you can go. i am going. i am going. with authority i am going. bravo! bravo! and now, you make your entr