ashes between prue and antigovernment sides protesters and reporters were attacked as they try to exit a subway station by a seemingly coordinated group of men all traced invite the shirts. although the controversial the extradition bill which sparked these rallies has been suspended the demonstrators aren't backing di many of them feel like this may be their last chance to hit the fan home home eroding freedom and fight for democracy something they know for. which momentum building and the protests showing no sign of abating all eyes are on the hong kong executive and beijing. and protesters there have found another colorful way to speak out against beijing karl joins me now to shed a little light on that and to talk about something called lenin the wall so lenin is that the communist or the songwriter that would be the songwriter john by then the talk of the beatles here these are named after john lennon because of a memorial that wind up for him in prague after he was killed in 1980 now in hong kong these are balls that are covered with sticky notes and they have messages of support